Friday, 16 November 2022 |
The two main trends cross this month as Thompson drops three and Huckabee rises two to tie at 16% for second place. Romney also drops a couple of points and McCain regains three, while Giuliani maintains a clear lead despite dropping a point to 23%. Tancredo drops four to 3%, though the previous sample may have been at the upper limit of the margin of error. Technically, all candidate movement is within the 4.3% margin of error of last month.
Gender gaps are most apparent with Thompson and Romney, with Thompson polling twice as well among men and Romney polling twice as well among women. Both candidates drops this month are completely due to their weaker gender. Thompson actually did slightly better among men this month, but his weakness among women voters fell back to earlier levels.
By age group, the field is wide open among voters under 40, with five candidates (including Ron Paul) statistically tied for the lead. Voters in ther 40s and 50s concentrated their support among the top four candidates in the same order as the complete sample. Seniors had Huckabee trailing but statistically tied with Giuliani, with Thompson well back and Romney tied with McCain for fourth. They were also much more likely to be undecided.
I also polled these voters on the same issue questions mentioned in this week's Texas Democratic primary poll. A third poll was done on general election voters who don't generally vote in primaries, The general election group was asked if they had a favorite among all candidates running as well as the issue questions. I am currently chewing through this data and plan to post a comprehensive analysis of how these populations differ and how the general election voters are looking at the election. That should be up next Monday (the 26th), so check back if you are into that sort of thing.
- Giuliani 23% (24%)
- Huckabee 16% (14%)
- Thompson 16% (19%)
- Romney 12% (14%)
- McCain 9% (6%)
- Paul 5% (6%)
- Tancredo 3% (7%)
- Hunter 3% (4%)
- Keyes 1% (0%)
- Undecided 11% (6%)
Last month in parentheses.
500 previous TX GOP Primary voters polled 11/15/2007. Margin of Error 4.4%
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 November 2022 )